Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Not much has been happening this week. Jonathan and I go to work, we come home, we take off our shoes and we don't leave the house again. It's been brilliant.

We've been hanging out with our neighbors Dave and Elbie across the street, and have introduced them to the show Firefly. They're coming over on Saturday night to have dinner and watch more episodes. I like being friends with neighbors - they're our age, not in remotely religious fields (Dave's a medical resident, Elbie a pulmonary-something) which makes for new and stimulating conversation, they're close by to hang out on short notice, and now we have someone to wave to on our block.

Book-wise, I re-read Tova Mirvis' second novel, The Outside World. Again, loved it. She's my new favorite author. And Dan the librarian has been coming into my office at work to show me various cool things, like a 16th century Hebrew manuscript from a community in China.

The cats have definitely been treating me differently nowadays. Simcha is much more clingy, and even Osher will cuddle with me when before he was obviously more enamored of Jonathan. I wonder - mama cats abandon their first set of kittens and leave them on their own when they have a new litter, yes? Maybe our cats sense that something's going on and don't want to be left behind? It's the only theory I have going.

I've also been having lots of fun doing research on strollers, child care seats, bottles, and other baby stuff. It's amazing how much there is to buy for one tiny little person!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Don't underestimate the value of used stuff. Babies are born to eat, spitup, and poop. So buying things that are used but not too worse for wear is a smart idea. Plus, you'll save money to buy more stuff when your baby is a little bigger :)

Anonymous said...

Your neighbors sound fun! I loved it when I started hanging out with architects. Socializing with someone outside your field can really give you an interesting new perspective on things. Plus, they're Firefly fans, so they have to be cool!

Dr. Ezra Chwat said...

I'm sorry I'nm not interested in cats or babys but you wrote:
"And Dan the librarian has been coming into my office at work to show me various cool things, like a 16th century Hebrew manuscript from a community in China."
please get me in touch with "Dan".
I have a proffessional interest to track and record all material of this type.

Michal said...

Becca, of course we're buying used stuff! Remember all our furniture from Craigslist? :) If anything, I think we're going to list the new things on our registry. And what we don't get we'll buy used on our own (but I still need to do research to see which stroller, used or not).

And yay neighbors! It really does make a difference when you hang out with people completely different than you. I'd forgotten, I've lived in the religion/computer bubble for so long.