Saturday, December 1, 2007


We did it! Our house offer was accepted! Pending inspection and all that good stuff, we should close at the end of January. We're SO excited. I'm literally jumping up and down.

We actually got the news tonight when we were at Carl and Anne's, decorating Hanukkah cookies with their girls. Frosting is obviously a good luck charm. :)

In other news, Christmas in Ohio is insane. The normal soft rock radio station plays Christmas music 24/7, every store in existence has a tree and decorations, and the whole atmosphere is permeated with Christmas themes. It's like Christmas in California times ten. We made Hanukkah cookies out of protest.

Jonathan is still busy at work, I'm still busy with school, there's frost on the car windshield every morning, and the cats are happily exploring and destroying everything they can. This week's casualty was a pillow stuffed with tiny white styrofoam balls. It took us two hours to clean them all up, and we're still convinced we'll find white balls til the day we move out.

I shall end with our new prayer: Baruch atah adonai, elohanu melech haolam, who has granted us a fabulous housing market!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're on a roll! Off to a good start...hope it all goes smoothly and winds up with a fire-works sparkling finish!!! Will be waiting to celebrate big-time at the end of January (?)!!!!!!
Hugs and love,
your Savta

Sheryl said...

Where's the new place? If I were closer I'd volunteer to help paint (if you're planning on it that is)
We're redecorating Caleb's room this winter break.
take care, congrats again.

Michal said...

Thanks, Savta! We'll definitely keep you updated!

And Sheryl, aww, you're so sweet! Thankfully we don't have to paint, or really do anything much. It's all ready to move in. We just need to buy a washer and dryer. And how cool about Caleb. Is he going to have a theme for his room?

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the grown up purchase!! I can't wait to see (frosty) photos after you move in!

Michal said...

Absolutely, Anne! Photos galore. But long time no hear.. what's been going in your life?

Tara said...

yay! hooray! i'm happy for your new home! hopefully i'll get to see it soon! :) congrats my lady!