Sunday, December 23, 2007

Random things

- In the past two days we've gotten three separate holiday update letters in the mail from friends and family. It's shamed us into writing one. So if you want a letter in a week or two but aren't sure if we have your snail mail address, email me. (I don't like posting emails/addresses on the internet - all of you who know us well enough to get a letter should have one of our emails, I'm guessing)

- Definition of irony: Holly, Becca, and Glenna are all in CA right now and I'm in the midwest. I miss you guys. *waves madly *

- My father has offered to finance our guest bedroom furnishings. It's so exciting, we can get a real bed! Perhaps it will be more exciting for anyone who comes to visit and no longer has to stay on our couch. :)

- I had a brainstorm yesterday and realized we don't need to go to the supermarkets to get packing boxes. I know many people at - gasp - a school, where boxes abound. I came home yesterday with about ten, and will now do regular box collections in the copy room, the bookstore, maintenance, and the front desk.

- I'm a big fan of Jhumpa Lahiri, and anyone who hasn't read her book of short stories Interpreter of Maladies should do so right now. Last week we rented the movie version of her novel The Namesake, and I was pleasantly surprised. Usually I pooh-pooh movies made from books, but this one was beautifully done and presented the tension of immigrants and their first-generation children in a manner that was extremely touching.

- Also on the subject of movies, I'm such a geek. I watched our new copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with my Sorting Hat atop my head and my Time-Turner around my neck. You may laugh, but it really did make it more fun!

Off to bed... I'm going to glory in the fact that I can sleep in tomorrow and not teach Sunday school. Yay vacation!


Scarlett Lion said...

OHHHH!!!! I miss you! I'm sorry I haven't called, but I've been in NY crazy busy. This week I'm chilling in Cali and will most DEF give you a call.

Lots of Love,

Sheryl said...

We're planning a Harry Potter marathon for New Year's eve. Unfortunately we don't have sorter's hat to wear! We do have lots of popcorn though.

Have a great New Year's - good luck on the packing.

Michal said...

Glenna - no worries, I can't wait to talk to you!

And Sheryl - YAY popcorn!! Thanks for all the luck...we'll need it. :)