Friday, December 21, 2007

Almost over....

Yeah, so I decided to get an extension on the outline. I finished all other papers and tests, and am through Genesis. Only four more books of the Torah to go.

Regularly scheduled blog updates will resume next week. :)


Sheryl said...

Its sort of an "eye opener" actually reading Torah. I went to Torah study at TI last week and we read about Joseph in Egypt. I don't remember ever hearing that after collecting grain during the 7 good years, that he/pharoah SOLD it back to the Egyptians during the famine and they had to sell their livestock and titles to the their land to get the grain. I don't remember _that_ from Sunday school stories!

Michal said...

It's so true! I was surprised just this morning. Did you know that as punishment for the Golden Calf, Moses had the Levites kill 3,000 Israelites, AND God brought a plague upon the people? I sure didn't. Here I'd thought Moses and God were touchy-feely....