Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Up since 3am with a teething baby

Pros:  Can eat all the rest of the chocolate-covered strawberries I made two days ago, without anyone else wanting any.

Cons:  Ugh.  Ate all the chocolate-covered strawberries all by myself.

Pros:  Can cuddle with cats on the couch.

Cons:  Cats now very confused and think it's daylight and running around like crazy.

Pros:  Can download those pictures of the Children's Museum and the Appalachian Festival that was held there on Sunday.  There was real woodworking and everything.

Cons:  Try to download pictures from the camera before I realize that there aren't any pictures of the Museum in the camera.  Why?  Because I hadn't taken the camera with me. Arg.

Pros:  Ari gives up on sleeping entirely, stops crying, and wants to play.

Cons:  Ari gives up on sleeping entirely and wants to play.


Janet said...

Oh, honey, hopefully you'll be able to take a long nap sometime today?

MamaNightsong said...

Hope you got a nap today! There must have been something in the air last night, Kaya was up for awhile in the middle of the night too.