Thursday, February 23, 2012

"Cake" the baby chick

Lately, instead of chilling out to How It's Made with the kids, we've been into Cake Boss.  In a recent episode we watched, the bakery made a cake with two real white doves in a cage in the middle.

Xander wanted some doves, too.  He wanted to go to a pet store right then and buy some.

Instead, I said that we had a dove.  A baby dove.  Right there in my hand.  I opened my hand up very slowly and pointed to my empty palm with the other hand, "You see her?  She's right there!"  Xander's mouth slowly opened in an O shape, and he gently scooped the imaginary dove out of my hand and put it on his lap.

The imaginary dove is now known as Cake, and has been relabeled a chick, not a dove.

Cake the chick is the best incentive ever.  "Cake wants to see your room!"  made Xander leave the living room upstairs last night to get ready for bed.  "Cake's never seen you brush your teeth before" led to the best fight-free teeth-brushing in the history of teeth-brushing.  "Cake likes your train pajamas" led to easy-peasy PJs.

It doesn't really matter how Xander feels about Cake.  I am in love.


Rachael J said...

absolutely adorable. you might try "ace of cakes" on netflix (since it is off the air now), nicer people/better cake. But all this talk of cake, has made me hungry. If I clean my room, brush my teeth, and get into my pjs without a fight--can I get cake?

Janet said...

You are just the best and most creative Mom ever! And you have a son who's willing to play along! What a pair you make.

MamaNightsong said...

That is BRILLIANT!!!

Michal said...

Thanks everybody.

And Rachael - I don't know. You need to ask Danyul. He wants to be the Cake Boss in your house! :)

Tara L. said...


Tevis and Katie said...

Isn't it great having kids that have awesome imaginations. My children have so many pets that "sit" at breakfast with us, its different everyday. Kaiya had Kalida (her invention and spelling) the baby turtle yesterday. I love it! No need for a pet here, we have tons and they never need to be fed or make a mess....well we do "feed" them. :)

Michal said...

Go Kaiya! And yeah... I think Xander likes his imaginary pets more than he does the real cats.