Friday, February 24, 2012

Shabbat musings

Today was, in general, a good day.

Dropped Xander off at school.
Took Ari to the doctor for a well-check.
Did our taxes.
Long-overdue talk with Holly.
Guy over to check out our furnace (all good).
Potential renter over. Looks promising.
Tot Shabbat at temple.
Tot Shabbat dinner schmoozing.
Orange Leaf frozen yogurt dessert.

And then... the tantrums.


My ears were literally ringing.

Afterward, Xander said that his throat hurt.  No kidding.

I was thinking, why am I a parent again?

And then I saw this article, and I extrapolated the burden and blessing of nursing to the burden and blessing of parenthood in general.  And all of a sudden I felt better about being a mom.  Women have always been torn over loving their children while still being driven nuts by them and missing their own individuality.  It's nice to know I'm not alone, but am part of a historical legacy.

1 comment:

hollydlr said...

Thanks for these words of wisdom - so true! We had our hour long tantrum this morning...and another one before dinner too. Ah, these sweet children!