Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You know you're in rabbinical school when...

I wore my Gryffindor shirt to school today, and at lunchtime it sparked lots of conversation.  A group of us started to discuss who would be in what house and why.  Then someone said that Ron should have been in Hufflepuff, and Hermione in Ravenclaw.  They were both put in Gryffindor, she reasoned, only because Harry needed sidekicks.

Then the kicker:  "Exactly!" agreed someone else.  "They're just like the Levites!  Their position gave them assumed authority for everyone else in their house!"


Janet said...

This cracked me up....but they're all right on. And I'm glad I inspired that conversation with your genuine shirt!

Jessica said...

I miss you guys!

Michal said...

Thanks again, Mom. And Jessica - we miss you too!! (did you ever get my email, btw?)

Michal said...

Thanks again, Mom. And Jessica - we miss you too!! (did you ever get my email, btw?)