Thursday, August 18, 2011

The good and the bad

It's been very eventful.

Simcha ran out four days ago and hasn't come back.  Our neighbor told us he saw a "fat Garfield-like cat" in his bushes yesterday, but I haven't seen him at all.

I got in a car accident; just a scrape, no one was hurt.  But it was in a friend's car.  Sigh.

We're trying to sell the house, so in preparation for listing it we're selling things, de-personalizing every room and moving boxes of chotchkes and furniture into the basement.  Plus packing up boxes and boxes of books so my library won't look too cluttered, clearing away shrubbery in the front and back yards, and hiring someone to fix up the front and back porches.

 Landscaping 1, weeds 0.

One funny thing, the mail at our house today was comprised of the following: a letter for Jonathan.  A credit card offer for Deborah, the woman who lived here before us.  An ad addressed to my sister.  And then two other ads addressed to someone named Neil and someone named Thomas, all with our correct address.  The mail went crazy.  Either that or the ad people are way outdated.

I also feel terrible about this, but I'm switching from cloth diapers to disposables for both kids.  It was a heart-rending decision, because I care so much about the environment and really want to do the right thing.  But with selling the house, raising two kids, doing private research (I've been at the AJA every day this week for clients), and then as of Monday going back to school full-time and working at the AJA 15 hours a week - something had to give.  I just couldn't deal with laundry.

What else?  Let's see... we went to the HUC welcome-back picnic and had a great time.  The new second-year rabbinic students and grad students seem like wonderful people.

The kids are unbelievably awesome, so that's good:

 Xander celebrating weeding success with chocolate.

Our Steak N'Shake pirate.

And would you believe, next week Xander is going into move into the 3 year old room at preschool?  It's still play-based learning, but they have an actual focus on literacy and knowing numbers and such.  And the baby is going to be five months old!  I keep thinking of Sunrise, Sunset.  Swiftly flow the years, indeed!


Anonymous said...

My, how your children love the camera. And the camera loves them too. I so enjoy your sagas.

With love,
Lynn (L.A.)

Janet said...

Did Simcha come back?

That's A LOT of filled garden bags!

Thank God you weren't hurt and are okay.

Don't feel too badly about the diapers. You make your contributions and seeing that you still want more kids, you never know what life will be like with the next one!

I agree with Lynn.....the camera loves your children. They are gorgeous.

And yes, the days and years fly by. Enjoy each and every moment if you can..and if you can't, grab the moments you can. Stay present. Makes life worth living.
