Monday, August 1, 2011

Indian food and spit-up. The highs and lows of life.

We had a very full weekend, complete with Jonathan's birthday get-together at an Indian restaurant, kid socializing with Yasha and Eden, a visit to the Mini Cooper dealership to see the newest model, swimming with the kickboard Auntie Tasha gave Xander, and a bounce house with Keren and Dalia at the J.

Unfortunately, pictures of all that have to wait.  I'm currently at home with two sick kids.  Socializing = sniffles, apparently.  And the baby's deep in the throes of teething.

Which would all be fine, I don't mind that at all.  I just feel sorry for them.

Except.... I have spit-up in my hair.  :(  And Jonathan doesn't get home for another two hours, so I have to wait to shower til then.

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

You poor thing! Its never fun when the kids are sick. I hope they feel better soon and that you get your shower in.