Saturday, August 6, 2011

The circle of life

Last night one of the fixtures of my Long Beach Jewish community, Andi Joustra, passed away.  I still can't believe it.  She co-taught with my mom for 21 years, I carpooled with her more times than I can count, and I grew up with her daughter.  I think I'm still in shock, it hasn't quite sunk in.

The circle of life is constant, however, so even while I reel from the death of someone I loved, I must also welcome to the world someone who I may come to love - a hearty mazel tov to Rachel and Evan on the birth of their new son Jack Henry.  Xander and their oldest son Liam are old friends, and Rachel and I get together as much as we can.

Another school year is about to begin: I've finished three out of my four spring incompletes, we just got invited to the HUC welcome-back-picnic, and I'm figuring out a schedule for my school and work hours.  Summer went fast.

A few pictures to mark the passage of time....

Ari's inspiration to roll over was Pumpkin, the little orange kitty cat.

Xander playing on Daria's bike this afternoon ("Mommy, her bike is PINK!!").  I met Daria's parents at the park a couple weekends ago... I was pushing Xander on the swing and all of a sudden heard a couple speaking Hebrew behind me.  Turns out they're Israelis new to Cincinnati, and we hit it off wonderfully.

And finally, here is Jonathan on his 41st birthday wearing the gift I got him, a Utili-kilt.  He got very strange looks from everyone that day, but he and I were meant to be together... he didn't bat an eye, and wore it proudly.

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

We were also so stunned and saddened by Andi's death. There was a wonderful turnout at the funeral with lots of young people there. My kids are still kind of shocked. Its going to be a rough start to the Torah Center year.

Great pics as always!