Sunday, August 14, 2011

Crazy crazy crazy

Our real estate agent scared us silly last week by saying that we had to list our house on the market ASAP if we ever wanted to sell it by June.  Then Nicole's husband, another real estate agent, pretty much told us to de-clutter in a major way if we wanted it to show well.  Get rid of furniture, take down all personal pictures, remove any decor with Judaism, etc.  So last night I drew up a list of stuff to sell.  This morning  I posted on Facebook and sent an email to the Cinci homebirth list and the HUC listserve.  And the day was insane.  Six different people came in and out to buy things and take them off our hands.  Our basement is much emptier, which is fabulous because soon we'll have to move down our bookshelves and book boxes.

Also this evening, our new tenant arrived!  Her name is Rebecca, she's an HUC student, and she's going to be staying in our guest room all year in exchange for childcare and light cleaning.  I think it will work out beautifully for all of us.

A productive but insanely busy day.  And I will admit, exciting but emotionally tough at the same time.


Janet said...

Good for you! Wow! When you set your mind at something, you jump right in! I'm very proud of you. I know that change can sometimes be challenging. Yet letting go can be fantastic. It opens up so many more possibilities!!!

Sheryl said...

Oy! moving and preparing to move can be so stressful. Good luck! Is it too early to contact the incoming students in Jerusalem?

Michal said...

Thanks Mom, I hadn't thought of it that way. And Sheryl... THAT is a brilliant idea. I'll talk to Ken about getting their names tomorrow.