Sunday, August 21, 2011

Biscuits and Big Bertha

Shabbat Friday evening commenced with making biscuits.  Blueberry!  Xander copied Jonathan's every move.  Note the parallel cutting boards and biscuit dough-cutting.

The next morning was ROCKETRY!!!  We are the only family I know that sees a football field and thinks that would be a great place to launch a rocket, in this case "Big Bertha."  Who needs sports?!

Xander is wrapped in Jonathan's arms, holding the launch button.  You can see his feet under Jonathan's knees.  Ari is in the carrier as I took the video; unlike Xander, he did not like blast-off.

Rocketeers ho!!

The first and second blast-off were amazing.  The third... let's just say the wind changed at an inopportune time.

It was about 30 feet up.  Xander and Jonathan walked to the fire station a couple blocks away to borrow a ladder.  They got a tour of the fire trucks to boot!  I, on the other hand, hung out near the tree guarding our stuff and catching up with family and friends via cell phone.

  My intrepid husband stood on the ladder, hauled himself up to the lower branches (15 feet above ground), and shook the tree desperately in an effort to free it.  To no avail.  Big Bertha was so entangled he finally had to break off the branch.

Hot, sweaty and tired after a long day of rocketry.  We headed home for lunch and a well-deserved nap.


Janet said...

Great post! Marvelous pictures. The way that Xander gazes up at his father the biscuit maker, warms my heart!

And what fun at the park!

Did Simcha ever come home?

Janet said...

The video finally loaded!

Michal said...

It was fun, we had a wonderful time. Even getting it out of the tree was an adventure.

And no, Simcha didn't... we're putting up Lost Cat posters tonight. :(

Janet said...

oh no! Simcha!!!!