Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tale of a morning

2:30am - Ari falls asleep.  Go to bed.
4:30am - Ari cries, diaper change.
6:30am - Xander comes into our room to cuddle.  Ari miraculously still sleeping.
7:00am - Xander panics because he's inadvertently forgotten Blue Bunny in his bedroom.  He goes back to retrieve him.  Wakes Ari, nurses back to sleep.
7:15am - Xander gets bored, leaves with Jonathan to go play.
7:30am - Mom comes downstairs.  I hear laughter.  I thank every deity of every religion that I don't have to get out of bed.
8:00am - Nurse.
8:45am - Mom and Jonathan take Xander to school, then go to Costco.  I hear them leave, then go back to sleep.
9:30am - Ari starts to fuss.
9:35am to 11:15am - Blur of trying to comfort crying baby in pain.  Gassy baby = 3 diaper changes, each one requiring a new onesie.
11:30am - Phone call from friend.  In midst of conversation she expresses envy for me being able to sleep in all morning.



Sheryl said...

so, it sounds like your basically running on a series of 45 minutes naps? yikes! hang in there.

Michal said...

Well, there are a couple 2-hour chunks. And the night before last he slept for 4 hours straight! I think if it was just Ari, I'd be good. Xander makes life more complicated. Then again, I'm not very good at sleeping during the afternoon (hence the emailing/blogging). I never want to "waste" the day... then Jonathan and my mother yell at me. I see their point. :)