Sunday, April 10, 2011

Forgotten and remembered

I had completely forgotten that...

1) newborn facial expressions are adorable.
2) newborns squeak.
3) newborns nurse ALL THE TIME.
4) it is insanely difficult to function on sleep that's broken up into two hour increments (Ari does sleep more than Xander did.  But that's not hard to do, as Xander had colic).
5) after a long pregnancy, it's absolutely wonderful not to have to pee every 20 minutes.

I never knew that....

1) a toddler could be so torn up about a new sibling.  "Kiss Ari!"  "Hold Ari!" and then, "Ari go home!" or (in response to "Why did you hit Ari?" and a time-out) "I'm mad because Ari here."
2) a second IS so much different than a first.  It's not really new anymore. But it's still amazing.
3) two kids' laundry seems like so much more than only one.
4) it was possible to mix up their names after only two weeks.  Turns out it is.
5) time alone, which I thought was a precious commodity before, now has a price beyond rubies.

1 comment:

Janet said...

I think it's the universe's way of making it possible for people to have more children. Forget, forget, forget.