Thursday, April 21, 2011

Just blabbing

Ari is a chatterbox.  He grunts, squeals, makes chittery sounds, and basically is always letting us know how he feels.  I feel like we can hold conversations, albeit a bit one-sided.  He rolls over to his left side quite well, and holds up his head with effort.  Not to mention, he's starting to sleep!  I have to say, I'm really enjoying this newborn phase.  Admittedly, I don't have post-partum depression this time, so it's an entirely new experience.

Xander is still vacillating.  He loves him, he loves him not.  He loves life, he hates life.  Poor two year old.  It must be so hard to be him, to be on this constant roller coaster!  He's adjusting as best he can.  We're trying to be understanding and give him space, but also let him know there ARE boundaries for things.  His most exciting moment recently was buying "big boy underwear" with Bubby, with pictures of Thomas the Train characters on them.  They seem to be a good incentive for continued potty training.

My mom came with me on Tuesday for second night seder at my pulpit, thank goodness. There were about 40 people there, it went very well overall.  It was hard to get back into working mode, however.  I felt so torn between seder and the baby, and even just standing so long took its toll.  I did enjoy seeing everyone and "getting back into the swing of things" though... which is good as I have another pulpit visit next weekend.  It's only two days, otherwise I couldn't have done it... people take 6 weeks to three months off for a reason!  Tonight we're having one family over for a "kid Passover" (i.e. read a story and make matzah pizza), and after that, I'm officially doing nothing.

Last but not least, my sister is here visiting, hooray!  She'll be here til the end of the week on her spring break.  I love having family over.

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