Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sick sick and more sick... so pics!

I am very, very talented.  I somehow managed to contract a sinus infection.  And pinkeye in both eyes.  At once.  I do NOT recommend it.  I think my body's going into shock - no mainstream meds for about a year, then two antibiotics at once.  Oy-ness.

That said, I'm not really leaving the house right now.   But that's good for you, because here are some pics.

Xander, Abby and Ella creating masterpieces

Mom and her grandsons


Here are a few from kid seder.  We had finger puppets and books and songs and they jumped around like frogs:

Listening to the Pesach story

Eating charoset.  The two dads are the ones fetching things :)

Clapping for dayenu

Seder dinner = matzah Passover pizza


Sheryl said...

oh ugh! feel better soon!
Great pics again - wow, your mom is just beaming with both boys.
the seder looks like it was a blast.

Rachelle said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery!