Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The joys of salad spinners

The good thing about having cute kids is that we take lots of pictures. The bad thing about having cute kids is that we take lots of pictures! We have like five different batches waiting to be downloaded and sorted, not to mention the ones from the naming ceremony yesterday. So my goal is to put up a batch every couple days or so. Know that I'll always be behind... and Savta, the naming ceremony details won't come for a while!

So first: The temple I grew up in in California sent out an announcement to all its members the other day: isn't this nice?!

Second: Mom and Xander had a lot of fun with the salad spinner a few days ago. They put toys in and watched them spin. Then Xander pressed the button and Mom pressed him, and they made sound effects. He was in heaven.


Sheryl said...

fun indeed! and I really cracked up that they were spinning toys - should have know that Jan wouldn't be using green vegetables!

Janet said...

Hey! Why do you think it was out of the cabinet? I actually used it for salad........once!
HAHAHAHA Sheryl, you know me too well!