Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Random things

1) My mom:  "I'm cooking! That's my job."
Xander: "MY job is to eat!"

2) Finished watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Netflix.  Now onto Upstairs, Downstairs before we send the DVDs to my grandmother.  (Surprise, Savta!  Something to look forward to.)

3) Absolutely loved the book Helen of Troy.  It was like historical fiction, but around mythology.  Though the author did so much research on ancient Greece, I feel like I learned a ton about that time period.  I also adored Harry Potter Film Wizardry.  Yay for fun books while nursing!

4) Mazel tov to Rachel and Ami on the birth of Max.  So many babies.

5) Last but not least, A MULTITUDE of pictures to upload.  They'll come slowly.  Don't hold your breath.


Sheryl said...

We just watch the Upstairs Downstairs new show - definitely made me curious about the original.
Did I mention that I read Henrietta Lacks on your recommendation? Loved it!
Eagerly awaiting more photos - and even more eagerly awaiting the return of Jan!
all the best, sheryl

Anonymous said...

Upstairs Downstairs was by far my most favorite show. I came to feel that the characters were family to me. I understand that Rose has been taken into the new version. Thank you so much...this is definitely something to look forward to.

Michal said...

So glad you liked the book, Sheryl! And yes, we're at the end of the first season of the old version. I only wish Mom would stay so we could finish all of it!