Friday, March 11, 2011

And... my semester is now over

Went to the midwife today. I'm 38 weeks along, but measuring 43. She took one look at me and said, "It's very admirable that you're still going to school. But isn't it time that you slowed down?" And then because of some physical issues put me on partial bedrest. :(


Janet said...

5-1/2 more days. Please take care of yourself.

Jessica said...

Ugh. Well, let me know if there's anything I can do (or bring, or entertain, or whatever). Especially before your mom arrives! (By the way, she's a great pre-interview calmer-downer. And she delivered her hugs!)

Janet said...

Awww thanks, Jessica. I hope they all went well for you. When will you know?

Tara said...

why are you on partial bedrest? i don't get it.

and i can't agree more with your Mom, please take GOOD care of yourself. it's paramount that you do that for a good labor/delivery/recovery.

Kie and I send our best wishes to you!

Michal said...

Thanks guys! I'm on bedrest because I have something called "pubic symphysis dysfunction," also called "pelvic girdle pain." Basically my pelvis isn't holding up the way it's supposed to, the ligaments are too loose and it stretches. The baby's fine... it's just me who's having issues.