Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Who needs coffee when one has a screaming child?

Xander's birthday is October 7th. So as of today, I can officially say that he turns two "next month." That makes a WHOLE LOTTA sense, because he exemplified the "terrible two" phrase today in spades.

He was up at 6:15am like usual. The deal is, one of us takes him into his room to play, read books, etc, for a little while, then the other one gets up at around 7am and we all hang out and get dressed for the day, then go down to breakfast. This morning started off like any other, except that Xander wanted to play with his Duplo (think bigger Lego). This was fine, we had no problem with it. Except that today, like any other day, we always make him clean up his toys before we leave his room to go downstairs. Usually it's a fun game and his room is cleaned in five minutes flat.

Uh-uh. Not this morning.

For almost twenty minutes, there was no cleaning. But there was: A screaming fit. A crying jag. A desperate plea for hugs. A time-out. More whining to play with something else. More crying and pathetic puppy eyes. We didn't give in, and finally, after nearly a half hour, he started to - very sulkily - pick up all his Duplo and put them back. Only then could we go down to breakfast.

God it was a long morning.


Sheryl said...

good for you for sticking to the rules!
Sometimes we found that giving the kids choices at that age helped a little ... do you want to pick up the yellow blocks first or the blue blocks? Should we walk the blocks over to the box or hop?
But then on other days - nothing helped :-/

Janet said...

Kol Ha-kavod! That's such a hard one. You really WANT to give in or just smack him but you didn't. I'm so proud of the parents you are. He and you are all better for it! Well, you're more tired, that's for sure. Notice next time though, whether he bothers to go through all the drama again. I bet he doesn't. I'm so impressed by you two!

Lynn said...

I'm exhausted just hearing about it. But it's a good time to get it done -- before the younger Loving arrives.
You two really are great with him.

Michal said...

Sheryl, that's a good idea! But yeah... yesterday was one of those "nothing will help days." I hate those.

Mom, thanks. He cleaned up this morning no problem... though admittedly, we didn't let him play with Duplo!

And Lynn, oy, I'm scared to think how chaotic it will be come March!!