Friday, September 10, 2010

All hail husbands

Rosh Hashanah was a success, I learned the Hebrew, services ended, we came home.

Unfortunately, we opened the kitchen door to find that a cat had had diarrhea all OVER the kitchen. I had to back right out because I couldn't stand the smell in the house. So while I played with Xander in the backyard, Jonathan spent half an hour spot-cleaning. And then afterwards he mopped.

Hence my subject line - all hail husbands.

Oh yes, and in other news? The repetition has started. Last I was getting annoyed with Simcha's meowing so told him to "shut up." Guess what Xander's new pet phrase is? Yep. Guess I'm gonna be more careful from now on!


hollydlr said...

LOL! So sorry about the cat poop! Congrats on your services! And you've got one bright little parrot there! My friend's son's very first words were Shut Up...even before mama and daddy...from yelling at their dog...that's the story anyway! :)

Janet said...

I think you should say, "All hail your husband." He adores you. Not all husbands would step up.

Anonymous said...

I find that HUSH!!! vehemently delivered works well for me in those situations. It carries as much weight in my mouth and my belly as an expletive! Is it worth a try???


Michal said...

Holly, oh no!!! LOL that poor child. At least we got mama and dada and a bunch of other words out of him first. :)

Mom, you're so totally right - all hail Jonathan! I just didn't want to post that as a subject line. Not give him a big head and all.

And Savta, absolutely. We've moved on to "shush" and Xander parrots that just as well. I was just so surprised the first time he said it, it cracked me up!