Monday, September 6, 2010

How a child can change your view of the world (by Jonathan)

I was just about to cross a Rail Road crossing when the familiar flashing lights and clanging bells sounded. I stopped just in time to keep the big red and white striped arms from coming down on the hood of the car. I looked down the tracks and saw a freight train that went on further than I could see. I knew I was in for a long, long wait here.

Two years ago this would have irritated me to no end. I might have even considered turning around in the hope I could circumvent the train. But I had Xander in the car with me and that changed everything. I pointed down the track so he could see the glowing light in the middle of a monstrously long gray and yellow snake shimmering in the mid day sun.

“Look Xander, it’s a TRAIN!” He followed my finger down the track and saw the mechanical beast lumbering down its path.

“CHOOO CHOOO!!!” he squealed while craning his neck to see. I don’t think he had ever seen a train up close in real life before. His intake has mostly been YouTube videos and episodes of Thomas the Train.

When the train finally started crossing in front of us, only a few feet from our car, he was in stunned awe. He sat there; eyes fixed forward watching the mechanical leviathan lumber and clank past us. There was total silence in the car. Nothing needed to be said. We were, from Xander’s point of view, watching one of the most amazing things on the planet.

It was incredible to me. I can’t remember the last time I looked at a train that way. I read about and know from first-hand experience how much harder kids can make life. But then, there are these moments that somehow make up for so much that you sacrifice. Is it worth it in the end? It was that day.


Lynn said...

What a wonderful moment for you two! I got chills, partly because of you two and partly because of "enjoying" Xander's experiencing the wonder of trains. Over Thanksgiving, I would enjoy for us to ride a real train.

Janet said...

This is such a beautiful post. Jonathan. I felt as though I was with you in the car and when you described Xander's response, I too held my breath and my eyes got wide in anticipation and excitement. Ah, to see the world through his eyes.

Unknown said...

Ouuu!! bring him to NYC!! there's trains EVERYWHERE! I can be on the subway with him all day long :), and the LIRR.. and if he'll start having a thing for boats, there's the Seaport, and the ferry.. so many toys..!!

Jonathan said...

First, thanks Lynn, Jan, and Odelia for such great feedback! It means so much to Michal and I.

Lynn, yes... we do need to get him on a train. There are a couple of options here in Cincinnati, but mostly it seems the more money the better the train.

Jan, it was so fun to write this post I can't tell you. He truly changes how you see the world.

Odelia, yeah... I remember the trains. The subways are so LOUD!!! It was only 7 months ago that he was there and saw the trains, but I think he would see them in a whole new light now. They change so much so quickly at this age.