Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Why do pictures languish in the camera instead of being uploaded? Why do emails remain unread and unresponded to in my inbox? Why does the blog remain un-updated and Facebook remain ignored? Let me inform thee, dear grasshopper.

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Tis the reason.

To be more specific, the need to create or learn....

5 sermons.
8 service outlines.
1 adult education Torah study.
3 Torah portions.

Add to that being two weeks behind on homework, not having seen Jonathan in over a week, having a recovering kidlet who is super-clingy, and (though this is a very fun reason) our friend Antonio is visiting.

There is a phrase called "good stress," yes?

I think I can now define it.


Anonymous said...

Indeed, you have defined it. All these daunting mountains of tasks confronting you will melt away and reappear as works of art and inspiration as your creative energies are applied to them. Rosh Hashanah demands that you expand yourself beyond yourself, and you do so -- every new year. I join your husband, your son and your mother in heaping blessings upon your beloved "keppele."

Your Savta

Shawn Jeske said...

When you get a chance, add me as your friend on Facebook. You can find me by the name of Jack Chewy Ryan. It's my old radio name and everyone I know in radio only knows me by that.

Sheryl said...

I'm glad you have some "good" stress! after all the other kind.
Have a great visit with your friend and a sweet and wonderful New Year!

Michal said...

Savta - awww! I never know what to say to your compliments besides *blush*

Shawn - done!

And Sheryl - thanks, I am too. Shana tovah back. :)