Saturday, September 5, 2009

Spoon and spatula symphony

(written yesterday)

Xander and I are back in CA for a whopping three days. A family friend flew me out to officiate at a Bar Mitzvah. So far we’ve flown in, gone to In N’Out, swung by my home temple to get paperwork, taken a nap, and gone to the JCC where the event will take place. Today’s the rehearsal, tomorrow’s the Bar Mitzvah itself, and then I fly out tomorrow night after the party – to go straight to Pittsburgh for Maura’s wedding. What jetsetters my son and I have become!

Because I have neither the time nor the energy to write full paragraphs about everything, here is another list:

1)Jonathan, Xander, and I visited my new pulpit in Richmond, Indiana last Sunday. They are so nice! It’s a much bigger congregation than Mattoon. The building even has a rabbi’s study. I feel so official.

2) While writing an essay titled “My Thoughts on Preaching,” I realized I don’t actually like the term, “preaching.” I feel like that word is connected to a black-clad Calvinist minister pointing his finger up at the sky and telling everyone that they’re going to hell. Is this a common conception among Jews? I know that among Protestants the word is almost an honorific. How weird that I can do it, but can’t use the term. What do you associate with the word “preaching”?

3) Please send prayers to Holly's family. Her grandfather just passed away. I consider it his last gift that when she came out to be with her family, we were able to see each other for a couple of hours. Her son has gotten so big!

4) Everyone is aging. Cleo, the cat I grew up with, is 23 and is old and decrepit. She makes me realize just how youthful our cats are - the poor thing can't even jump onto the couch anymore, she just sits there and meows until one of us picks her up.

5) My mother can conduct music like no other, using nothing but kitchen utensils. Xander is in love. I have a feeling that when we get home, our spoons and spatulas will be serving double duty.

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