Monday, September 7, 2009

Humor break

I think everyone needs a break today from the tense situation around Xanders stay at the hospital. I turned to humor today to help me not think of my son’s illness and the fact I’m on the opposite side of the nation. As I know I’m not the only one needing some humor, I thought I would share on the blog what made me laugh today.

I have recently come to know that “speed walking” is a sport. Speed walking is the sport of “walking as fast as you can without actually running.” And no, I’m not making this up. I learned this like I learn most things today on “Wait…Wait…Don’t Tell Me” the NPR news quiz show.

Apparently this is such a huge sport that they actually hold competitions on who is the fastest speed walker in the world. The Japanese sports casters were very fascinated with this, and (probably because their Japanese representative didn’t get the title) thought they would see if they could improve the world record holders track time by chasing him with sword wielding samurais. Again, I’m not making this up.

To do this they invited him to come to Japan and do a demonstration of his “mad skilz” (<- cool Internet slang) in speed walking. The lesson learned here is this: If the Japanese invite you over to see you demonstrate a stupid sport, they are only trying to kill you.

Here is the video below:

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