Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The long-awaited pictures

Unfortunately there actually aren't that many pictures from the last month or so that I can post here - most of them show Xander with other little kids, and I haven't gotten permission from their parents to put them up on this public forum. But these are the best of the individual shots, in no particular order.

Painting at daycare. He's making X's for his name.

Our little Steak and Shake pirate!

Hangin' with Antonio. Click on the picture to make it larger, and you can see his three bottom teeth!

Leaving LAX.

His first art piece: Shabbat candles.

Rosh Hashanah at our house. The gorgeous platter is courtesy of Gwen and Sylvan.

Videos to follow.


Anonymous said...

Xander is incredible. I swoon over his pictures. Yes, I got a good look at those three new teeth. And I loved the shot of Xander's little hand on Antonio's.

Elaine Fine said...

When our Ben was a baby he would always take the X from alphabet puzzles and hold onto it (sometimes he would sleep with it). What a nifty thing to have an X as the first letter of your name, Xander!