Friday, March 9, 2012

The tooth fairy... is not here.

We took Xander to the dentist for the first time today.  She was wonderful, was extremely patient with him, and even managed to scrape his teeth clean before he got fussy.  He has perfect teeth, she told me. I was gratified, but told her that I often felt guilty, because we usually only end up brushing his teeth at night.  He hates it, and we're usually out of time to argue with him in the morning, too.

Her response?

That we're in the top tier of parents.  That a large percentage of parents don't even brush their kids' teeth at all at this age.  And that I shouldn't worry, because obviously he's doing fine.  She also mentioned a front-page New York Times article that came out this week about the rise of preschool cavities.  I found it online now, when both kids are napping.  It's shocking!!  PRESCHOOLERS needing surgery?  I was appalled.

As luck would have it, this is the week of teeth.  Simcha had a tooth pulled yesterday at the vet, and he has to go in on Tuesday for dental surgery.  Poor kitty cat!  At least I can take no responsibility for him.  The vet said it was just his natural teeth, and that some cats have more trouble than others.

At least my dentist visit isn't for another few months...


Janet said...

This is great news! Congrats to all of you. And poor little Simcha.

Michal said...

Thanks. And would you believe, Simcha ran away again?! I guess he was more upset than I thought. I hope he comes back by Tuesday..