Tuesday, September 20, 2011

No topic really. Just a random conglomeration of things in my head.

This is the seventh day I've been working out at home.  It's kind of frustrating, because the only time I have free is after the kids go to bed.  So once they fall asleep, I change into workout clothes and hit the rug in the front of the TV.  I'm borrowing videos from Rebecca, and so far I've done The Firm: Pump, Jump and Jab, Bob Harper: Cardio Conditioning, Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred, and Jillian Michaels' 6 Week Six-Pack.  I like the latter two the best; she's more encouraging than the others when she talks to the viewer, her moves are easier, and they don't hurt my knees at all.  I haven't noticed any changes yet, but I have some serious motivation: come late December I have to buy nice interview suits and bima clothing for when I go on callbacks.  And I don't want to buy all this nice clothing in bigger than my pre-pregnancy size!

Very cute interaction today:  
Jonathan held out his arms as wide as they could go and said, "I love you THIS much!"  
Xander's eyes widened and he said, breathlessly, "That's a lot of much!"

Jonathan made CIDER.  I don't know how he did it, but it involved apple juice, spices, and a crockpot.  It's fantastic.  You all wish you could have some.

Tired me with boy snuggles.


Janet said...

How lovely to see a picture of you on the blog. They are so few and far between. You do indeed look tired but very loved and satisfied with your two boys.

I loved Xander's response to Jonathan's comment. He's right. That's a lot of much!

One day you'll wake up and your clothes just won't fit so hang in there, honey.

Love you bunches and bunches!! In fact, I love you a lot of much!!!


Sheryl said...

Very sweet picture! And good for you for working out!