Monday, September 19, 2011

Does your religion determine how much money you make?

I think not.  But this article is fascinating nonetheless.  It makes me realize how closely religion is probably related to race, socio-economic status, and cultural educational expectations.

Click to magnify.

(Shout-out to Stephanie, who found this on a table at HUC and suggested that if I blog it, she'd have her own virtual copy. :))


Janet said...

Blogspot has changed its format in that one can only click on a picture once to enlarge it once. After that it won't get bigger. Can you fix it to go back to what it was? I wanted to read this article but sometimes I just like to enlarge pics of the boys to look right into their eyes or their smiles. It literally brings them a little bit closer.

Jonathan said...

Well first, we can't change how blog spot formats enlarged pictures. (it's hard coded and can't be changed) What it is doing is enlarging the picture to fit your browser window. The larger the window, the larger the picture. If you want to zoom in more you will have to save the picture and open it outside your browser.

Janet said...

I used to just have to click on it twice and it got bigger. The 3rd click always brought it back to the original size. The same thing is happening with FB pics.