Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We've been pegged!

Today at CPE we did the Myer's-Briggs personality test.

I'm an ENTJ - extrovert/intuitive/thinking/judging.

For ENTJs the driving force in their lives is their need to analyze and bring into logical order the outer world of events, people and things. ENTJs are natural leaders who build conceptual models that serve as plans for strategic action. Intuition orients their thinking to the future, and gives their thinking an abstract quality. ENTJs will actively pursue and direct others in the pursuit of goals they have set, and they prefer a world that is structured and organized.

Jonathan, on the other hand, is an INTP - introvert/intuitive/thinking/perceiving:

For INTPs the driving force in their lives is to understand whatever phenomenon is the focus of their attention. They want to make sense of the world - as a concept - and they often enjoy opportunities to be creative. INTPs are logical, analytical, and detached in their approach to the world; they naturally question and critique ideas and events as they strive for understanding. INTPs usually have little need to control the outer world, or to bring order to it, and they often appear very flexible and adaptable in their lifestyle.

This explains so much about our relationship!


Unknown said...

I want a baby-video-chat!
call me :)

Michal said...

Will do!