Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

First of all, happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there! Growing up we never really celebrated Mother's Day, so I always thought it was kind of a Hallmark holiday. Jonathan doesn't feel that way though, and I have to say... I'm kind of getting into it. :)

The very best part of the day so far.... I slept in until 10:30am!!!! Now, everyone who knows me knows how much I love sleep. Xander is always up at 6, 6:30 latest. So sleeping in was huge. I didn't even know it was that late until I woke up and realized I felt very, very refreshed.

I was immediately greeted by a smiling giggly boy who wanted to crawl all over me and give me sloppy kisses, and a husband bearing gifts (I had previously nixed breakfast in bed, cuz I'm not into crumbs). BUT - I got two adorable cards, one that said "to Mommy, vroom vroom!" It had a small handprint in ink on it. I then looked at Xander, who, though he had since been washed up, obviously had a really good time getting ink into every crevice.

Jonathan got me two great books - which I'm not even looking at til I'm done with finals - but one is a collection of memoirs on motherhood, and the other is a historical fiction novel about a white girl growing up with a Cherokee tribe in the 1800s. Fun, I know almost nothing about that time period.

Then it was brunch! Again, I nixed the going out. It'd be crowded, more formal, etc. Jonathan thinks I'm hard to spoil. But I disagree - he made eggs, toast, and then put out vanilla yogurt and my very favorite all-natural apple and gouda cheese chicken sausage (Holly, you'll like it). When brunch was over he gave me my very last gift - he reformatted our copy of The Time Traveler's Wife to fit on my Android! (to all you non-geeks out there, it means that I can now watch the movie on my phone.)

The boy is now napping, and when he gets up we're going to go to Jeffrey's law school graduation party, and then Steak N'Shake for butterfinger milkshakes. A very good day, overall.

Oh yes, I must share one more thing. You know how some days you feel more grown-up than others? Well, today, Mother's Day aside, I had a moment of uber-motherness. Two years ago I never would have guessed that this situation would happen, much less that these words would come out of my mouth, completely seriously....

"Honey, it's considered very rude to pick someone else's nose, especially without their permission."

Jonathan about died laughing.


Sheryl said...

I absolutely laughed at loud! Yes, I've sometimes been amazed at the things that came out of my mouth too.
I'm glad you had such a great day! I got to sleep in too and then R. made up pancakes.

Janet said...

I was laughing so hard by the end of this entry that I couldn't speak!!!!! And when I finally recovered to read it to Lynn, by the time I'd gotten to the end again, I again began laughing so hard, she had to finish reading it herself!!!! How hilarious!

I send hugs to all!!! Even that pea-pickin', I mean nose-pickin', 19 month old!

OY, OY, OY!!!

Michal said...

Oooh, pancakes! Sheryl, those sound good. If we ever have a daughter, I hope she's as smart and caring as R. (occasional teenage lapses aside) :)

And Mom, I'm glad you liked it! Like is funny sometimes. :)