Sunday, May 23, 2010

The loveliness of Shavuot playdates

We are sitting inside the scoop of a tractor. Xander was completely, totally scared out of his wits.

Walking around the CAT dealership.

Xander got up the courage to touch the wheel at one point. He had no idea it was so huge!

Cracking up at the real-life tractors.

Xander and his best buds Yasha and Eden.

It was a very exciting walk.

Deep babeleh talks.


Child TV.

This is what we were watching. (Mom, it was taken before we got your request for longer videos.)

After the CAT dealership, we went to an outside play area similar to the one we went to last month.

It was very exciting.

We closed off the day with crepes and blintzes in celebration of Shavuot. (We eat dairy since Israel is the land of "milk and honey.") But for the kids the biggest draw was BUBBLES!

YAY for bubbles!!!


Janet said...

What a FABULOUS AND CREATIVE field trip!!!!! It looked like EVERYONE had a wonderful time.

Michal said...

Thanks! It was a really great day. But I can take no credit for the field trip - Jonathan had the idea and made all the phone calls. Go creative husbands!

Sheryl said...

I second that! what a great idea. Caleb would have loved it too!

Janet said...

That first pic is sooooo precious, I just find myself staring at it and nodding my head. Time passes........