Monday, March 29, 2010

Truly excellent things in life

My brother just sent me a link to a package deal for the Harry Potter theme park. I wanna go!

Jonathan got me a new book as a birthday present, and I finally got a chance to read it: Nefertiti, by Michelle Moran. It was quite fun! It brought the Egyptian world to life, incorporating known events and historical figures into the lives of fictional characters. I had studied Amunhotep/Akhenaten in school because he wrote Hymn to the Aten, an ode to a sun god, that's strikingly similar to Psalm 104. Akhenaten reformed the Egyptian world, tearing down all the old gods in favor of what is thought to be the first historical monotheism. Nefertiti was his wife, and is best known from her bust that still survives today. The book followed them from the time before they ascended to power as teens until death, and it was extremely imaginative. I'm thinking of checking out the sequel.

Also, last night we made two batches of chocolate toffee matzah to take to seder. This morning when we got up the house smelled glorious. Mmm....


Savta said...

It takes a special talent to give the right gift to the right person and Jonathan has that talent in spades when it comes to his wife. This post thrills me each time I reread it!

We're not counting days anymore until you get here. We're counting HOURS!

hollydlr said...

ooo - I almost forgot about chocolate toffee matzah! Going to the grocery store tomorrow! :)

Jonathan said...

Thanks Savta, you're sweet!

Holly, I didn't know you liked to make C-T matzah! Are you sure you're not Jewish?