Tuesday, March 16, 2010


We are back from New York, one day and two cancelled flights later than we had originally planned. Hundreds of pictures (or at least lots and lots) to come later. In the meantime, a few quick notes:

1. Carnegie Deli rocks. Best pastrami and corned beef I've ever had, bar none.
2. The subway lulls Xander to sleep as easily as the car does.
3. NYC really is the city that never sleeps. We got home one night at 10pm, when Cincinnati would be dead. It looked like noon out there, there were so many people.
4. Diversity is amazing.
5. Dirt is not.
6. It's really hard to navigate the transit system with the stroller. But putting a 25 lb toddler on our backs only works for so long.
7. The Statue of Liberty is greener in person.
8. Central Park is more impressive when the trees have leaves. But Xander loved it, cuz we got to pet the pretty horsie who took us around in the buggy.
9. Hot dogs, pretzels, pizzas, black and white cookies, deli, Indian, diners... we ate our way through the city. I think I went up a size.
10. Everyone is so stylish there! I rarely saw a woman from NYC not wearing boots. My tennies were still comfy though.
11. When it rains, it rains.
12. My conference on intermarriage was great. But not as much fun as touring.
13. Museum of Natural History, FAO Schwartz. Museum of Modern Art, Toys R Us. Times Square, Rockefeller Center. 5th Ave fancy stores, 7th Ave kitschy stores. There was something for me, for Jonathan, for Xander, and for everyone else.
14. NYC is expensive. People's rents are ridiculous. Not to mention buying a sandwich in Manhattan.
15. Everywhere we went, there were enough fruit stands that we could easily supply Xander with bananas. That is what most counts in his world.

Off to translate Alfasi's commentary on the first part of Tractate Avodah Zarah....


Janet said...

I'm glad you're home safe and sound.
Love, Mom

Unknown said...

LOL.. you got home at 10 pm?? crazy..! living on the edge, aren't ya?!
i don't like this post.. i miss nyc :(

Michal said...

Odelia, I know... when I was in college, Abba used to call me when he got home from work, at 2 or 3am my time, because I was always awake. I got OLD!!

And hey... you'll get back to NYC soon. Probably before I will.