Saturday, December 19, 2009

Babeleh boy... and everything else

So my mom got here yesterday, and told me that I've been holding out! Apparently Xander can do lots of little things that I have neglected to post.

1) He stands up on his own and claps.
2) He stacks cups, instead of just knocking them down.
3) He likes to get into the kitchen Tupperware cabinet.
4) He's moving from two naps to one.
5) He's VERY talkative.
6) He waves, gives high-fives, and says "all done" after a meal in sign language.
7) He turns pages of books by himself.
8) He's very affectionate and gives lots of hugs.
9) He's extremely well coordinated and has good depth perception.
10) He's very strong and can completely lift up and turn his cart in the air.
11) When we sing the candle blessings, he looks straight to the candle holders and knows the blessing is for Shabbat.
12) Last but not least, in my mother's words, "he's cute as the dickens." But I'm sure you all knew that already. :)

In other news, I finished my Talmud paper, hooray! Still have one left, and that 40 hours worth of work at the AJA. Vacation, shmacation.

Hanukkah has been lovely. My mom brought over literally an entire suitcase full of books plus a carry-on, probably about 60-70 pounds worth. I have no idea how I'm going to fit them all on my shelves, but I'm excited about the prospect of trying. Jonathan and I got Xander a xylophone and this peg-and-hammer toy (you know, where you hammer the pegs down, then turn the toy over and hammer them again?) And he likes it quite a lot. I got Jonathan slippers, and he gave me the Harry Potter Marauder's Map! Complete with spiffy display case, it's awesome. Now I can display the map with Hermione's wand!

We've been getting into Battlestar Galactica, and are now well into the second season. I'm still a huge Star Trek fan, but I must admit that BSG has better characterization. The show doesn't shy away from internal conflict the way that ST does. Sigh. I still love both.

Other than that? It's snowing. I'm staying inside. Simcha is glued to the window watching the world. And the baby took a long nap. All in all, a good day!

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

I know Jan could hardly wait to get her hands on the boy! I'm glad you're all having a good time.