Sunday, August 16, 2009

We're in the country!

We are visiting Anne and Carl. So far I have learned that:

1. Caterpillars create huge nests in trees that look like gigantic spiderwebs.
2. Xander likes horses. This one lives adjacent to the house. Her name is Bubbles.
3. Evangelical churches are absolutely fascinating. We went to church today; I took three pages of notes and want to write a paper comparing it to Jewish services.
4. Jonathan won't play Twenty Questions with me on road trips anymore. How does "animal, vegetable, or mineral" fit in when the things I'm thinking of are "dance" and "question mark"?
5. One can actually see Mars and the stars from one's house. Unlike in LA and Cincinnati, where there's the moon and then smog.
6. There is an amazing dessert called "monkey bread" that involves biscuits, sugar, cinnamon and copious amounts of butter.
7. Amish people go to McDonald's.
8. People actually do have creeks in their backyards.
9. Bats do not just live in zoos. They also live in your eaves.
10. Well water tastes weird, like sulfur.
11. And last but not least... there are places in the country where you can't get cell phone reception, but you still have wireless internet. Go figure.

Edited to add: I WENT HIKING!! IN A FOREST!! IN THEIR BACKYARD!! (Anne's parents have 14 acres). It was amazing. Katie, you would be proud. I was.... outdoorsy. With Xander strapped onto my back!

Also edited to add: Auntie Lois emailed me and had a very good point, which is that I neglected to include that I had seen both bright stars and a wild bat before, at her home in central California. I do regret the omission. To tell the truth, I had forgotten about seeing the stars from there. But about the bat, this one flew about about six inches from my face, so it was a different experience. Let it not be said that I had not been in country before... it was just different country. This time it was forest-y, hilly, Amish country. In Ohio. Who knew that there was country everywhere? :)


Sheryl said...

I always love your lists ...
I think you should change the 20 questions rules to Is it noun, verb, or other?
We once had a bat in our house in Illinois - Jane, our brave soul, caught it (by tossing a towel over it) and escorted it outside. She was calm. The bat and the rest of the housemates were not!

Michal said...

I can only imagine! Go Jane. I would have freaked.

Michal said...

Oh, and I forgot to say, I heartily approve of your 20 questions change! I shall have to do that from now on.

Chana P said...

story about stars and smog:
My counselor Chana Rochel and I were sitting outside of the JCC we were staying at in LA, and she was admiring the sky's "funky color"... my response?:
"That would be the streetlights and the smog mixing"

yeah, it killed the moment lol.

Michal said...

*giggle* poor L.A. It gets such a bad rap. In the case of air quality, it's true. :(