Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pictures from Ari's wedding

I seem to be running about two weeks behind on pictures. In my defense, my hubby took over 600 of them, and it was hard to narrow them down! This link is about a quarter of them.

Also, here is Xander dancing with Myfanwy's dad. He starts to smile and laugh about halfway through.


Janet said...

I feel like I was THERE! Oh, wait! I WAS there. What a terrific selection of photos!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful wedding, for the newly-joined couple and for all the celebrants. I start my morning each day by watching Mifanwy's father dancing with Xander, and fancy stepping too! Both of them relishing the shared pleasure. Bride and groom visibly ecstatic, as are their families. Shakespeare reigns! I'd fight a mob to take home one of those centerpieces -- The Complete Works of Shakespeare.
And I love that each table sports
the name of one of his plays. By telephone, Jan guided me through each and every photo, identifying all the people shown. The younger generation has grown beyond my recognition. Made me cry...losing touch. Jonathan, thank you, thank you for bringing Ari and Mifanwy's wedding to me in all its visual glory.

Michal, you're beautiful; Xander, you're sensational, and Jonathan, you're in command.
All my love,

Michal said...

wow, what high praise! i don't even know what to say...

Jonathan said...

Thanks so much Savta. You know, no one can praise like you. In one line you can make someone feel like the king of the world. :)