Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Random conglomeration of pictures

I am Hermione! Yes, we finally saw Harry Potter. Jeffrey was an angel and babysat so we could go see it together. I made the most of it by wearing my Sorting Hat, Time-Turner necklace, Hermione wand, and Ravenclaw tie. I even left my hair in its natural ringlets in honor of my fav character.

Xander hanging out in the front part of our sanctuary area. He's excited that he gets to be babysat later that night when Mommy and Daddy go to a movie.

This child will know how to work a computer by the time he is two years old, I have no doubt.

Can Osher get any more relaxed? I don't think so.

Our new porch swing! The pic was taken by our new Korean friends Young Bok and Su Hyeon, grad students at HUC. We had gone to their house and they had served us traditional Korean sushi, kimchi, etc. So when we had them over to our house, we prepared falafel and chicken, pita and humus, Israeli salad, and blintzes. Their four year-old was a big fan of the swing, and whispered to his mother as they left, "I want to live here!"

How I spend my days. Thank goodness for my variety of wraps and carriers, I'd never be able to study otherwise. Basically Xander serves as a counterbalance.

Xander loves HUC too.

This stays black for the first few seconds, but wait a little while and witness the thunder and lightning. It was scary!


Janet said...

Who wouldn't want to live at your house???!!!

Anonymous said...

Aperantly Odelia. She couldn't wait to get out. :)

But I think that had more to with Cincinnati than me personally.


Sheryl said...

I didn't need any more proof that you are soooo Hermione! :-)

Did Xander grow since 2 weeks ago?

Michal said...

Maybe just a bit. He seems to have a higher reach, at least!