Sunday, March 29, 2009

Why we've been too busy to blog. (Heresy, I know.)

What a whirlwind of a week! Odelia has been on job interviews, Jonathan got a new project at work, I've officially fallen behind two whole books in my philosophy class, and Xander has earned a new nickname: he makes such strange deep "ra-ra" noises while falling asleep lately that we're affectionally calling him "Xander-saurus."

Friday night we had a friend's family over for Shabbat dinner, and would you believe, I went on a whole shopping trip to get fixings and I forgot the challah? We had to run out last minute, thank goodness there were a few left. At least company was a good excuse to clean the whole house, and it sorely needed it. I felt guilty, it was so dusty that Odelia got a sneezing attack from vacuuming! She's all better now though, and everything is nice and shiny.

Cleaning leads me to decorating, and for the past few weekends Jonathan and I have been working on Xander's room. We got animal cutouts and wooden letters to spell out his name, and as of today we've primed and painted them; next up is actually attaching everything to the wall. Hopefully we'll finish by tomorrow. But don't hold your breath; I may only put up pictures after next week.

Last but not least, two wonderful mazel tov's! My cousin Ari is engaged, hooray! And a very hearty welcome to Vera: Elbie and Dave's little girl came into the world on Wednesday and is already making her parents happily crazy.


Janet said...

Could Xander's 'ra-ra' noises be allergies? Goodness knows with both of you as parents, that's more probable than not.

It sounds like you're all enjoying each other's company despite the dust!

Hugs and kisses all around.


Michal said...

I don't think so. He only makes the sounds when he's sleepy, and he makes them anywhere: home, HUC, even the car. But good suggestion!

Sheryl said...

When Caleb was a toddler/preschooler and really really into dinosaurs, parents started calling him Calebsaurus!