Friday, March 6, 2009

Why it is such a glorious day

It's 65 degrees out today!!! AND my midterm is over. AND Xander slept for 11 hours last night, only waking up once. AND the house is relatively clean. AND Elbie offered to babysit tonight so Jonathan and I are going to see the Watchmen movie. AND Xander went down for an easy nap. AND we got in our tax refund. AND adult Hebrew went really well. [The funniest part is what one of the women said in the middle of a tricky Hebrew translation: "I think you should know that I didn't hear anything you just said, I was too busy looking at the baby."] AND.... to top it all off... it's a good hair day. :)


Janet said...

Today sounds like a whole month rolled into ONE! I'm glad it was sooooooo great!!!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Bless'ed you are, and trice-blessed for stopping to count your blessings! I am levitating from sheer joy! Enjoy the movie!!!

yer Savta

Tara said...

Awesome :) I'm happy to hear that you are having a fabulous day!

Kie and I are thinking about watching Watchmen too, so tell me how it is! :)

Michal said...

we loved it! it was very close to the book though, meaning very violent and dark.