Monday, March 23, 2009

Odelia's here!

My sister has arrived! She came in late Friday night, and is all set up in the guest room. She and Xander are fast friends already. For a slideshow of pictures with her and the baby, click here.

As you can see, Jonathan loves our new camera. He's been taking lots of artsy shots. Below are a few cool ones of Osher - he loves to model!

YouTube is down, so look for videos of Xander tomorrow.


Janet said...

Welcome to the States, Odelia! I hope your trip went well. It's obvious that both you and Xander are in both can't stop smiling!
Jan (Michal's mom)

Sheryl said...

Great pictures of X with Odelia - are they in your yard? I see daffodils! He's obviously have a great time with his Doda.

Michal said...

Sheryl, it is in our yard! I know, spring is finally here... I was getting SO tired of the snow!