Sunday, March 29, 2009

Only in Ohio.

I came to a screeching halt while driving to Sunday school this morning.

The reason?

To let a duck cross the road.

Yes, people, it had to get to the other side.


Anonymous said...

I knew that if ANYONE would be able to answer this age old question, it would be YOU! May you, Xander and the chicken be safe and sound!

Chana P said...

lol - this really made me laugh out loud! :) While you were in Israel did you ever see the "camel crossing" signs? We recently did a report on modern israeli tourism, and I always thought the signs were fake until I had to look it up for a report!
Hope all is well!
Talk to you soon!!!

Michal said...

Nope, they really are real! Remind me and I'll email you our pictures of camels crossing the street in the Negev.