Monday, September 8, 2008


An issue true to my heart: here's an LA Times piece by Gloria Steinem on why women won't vote for McCain/Palin just because Palin's a woman. Go here.

I love Steinem.


Anonymous said...

This is a Steinem blockbuster! Makes me want to stand up and cheer! Now let's get out the votes!

yer Savta

Janet said...

The woman is brilliant! And right on the money. I've been emailing this piece to everyone I know....Demos and Repubs alike. Obama must take the White House in November and Democrats MUST take 60 seats in the Senate. If not, say goodbye to the civil liberties any of us have left and a woman's right to choose will be a thing of the past. This is a crucial election. Drive your friends to the polls if they can't get there themselves!