Saturday, September 6, 2008

Daily life

I was intending to put up lots of pictures of Yellow Springs, but they didn't come out so well. Sorry folks. But here is myself, Jonathan, Myfanwy, and my cousin Ari.

This has been a weekend of overseas connections. I've managed to talk to both my dad and sister via webcam, and last night we got home from Shabbat dinner at Ari's late enough that we were able to stay up and call Becca in Korea. Then this arrived in the mail:

Glenna sent it, from Uganda! She even scanned a note that got printed out and mailed to us with the package. Osher likes the stuffed animal just as much as Wiggly will, I'm sure.

Here is Simcha recovering from his trip to the dentist. He had four teeth pulled. Poor Jonathan went to the dentist yesterday, so they commiserated in their time of trial through serious snuggling.

Today I babysat for Carl and Anne's daughters, 3 and 1, and LOVED it. Little kids are so awesome, you can practically see them learning. Tomorrow starts Sunday school, and it'll be good to get back into the classroom. I'm teaching 3rd grade again, same curriculum as last year, so it shouldn't be too difficult. I just have to make sure I have enough energy to teach. But I know myself - I'll get all pepped up for the time I'm at temple, then I'll come home and absolutely crash. At least for the next few weeks, I have a great excuse for naps!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You all look great! And, Michal, I had to look carefully to see if you were really pregnant! You look so small. And it was good to see Ari again. He looks wonderful and very happy.

Poor little simchale. He looks soooo out of it!

Hugs to all,