Saturday, September 13, 2008

Baby shower!

It was awesome. Maura did an an amazing job setting up - you'd never have known it was HUC, with streamers, balloons, party favors, and banners. I carpooled with Elbie, we got there and said hi to everyone, sixteen women from all parts of my life (rabbinical students, spouses of rabbinical students, grad students, someone from Rockdale, someone from the American Jewish Archives, and spouses of Jonathan's coworkers). There was Baby Bingo, cutting ribbon to guess how long it was around my belly, a "date of birth" betting pool, and TONS of good food. Then opening gifts - yay onesies and baby bathtubs and toys and cute clothing! I feel much more prepared now in terms of "stuff." Overall it lasted about an hour and a half. I had a great time, and the few people I've seen since said that they had fun too. Pictures to follow.

I also set up a surprise "guy baby shower" for Jonathan on Friday night which went really well. I had told him we had a mystery date planned, so he thought it was something romantic. Instead Dave and Carl picked him up at the house at 7pm and they all went to Dave and Buster's, and met a few more guys there. At the end they all pooled their tokens to get this great big monkey stuffed animal for Wiggle. Jonathan was all excited when he got home. :)

Right now I have a cold, so I spent most of the day sleeping. I even called in sick to Sunday school tomorrow, which I feel really badly about since it's only the second day. But between having trouble walking and getting up, plus not being able to breathe, it's probably good I'm taking it easy.


hollydlr said...

Glad both the "showers" went so well!! Sorry about your cold though - miserable! But hey, get it out of the way now rather than when the little one is due to arrive!

Sheryl said...

It looks like a good time was had by all! I don't know the tricks of your particular diapers - but no matter what brand you use the most important thing is to the the next clean diaper strategically placed over the baby before the cold air has a chance to hit.