Friday, September 26, 2008

2 days before my due date - but I'm guessing at least a week before the birth

My mom got here last night, we just bought the plastic liner for the birthing tub, and we're stocking up on food. Jonathan's working like crazy to get all his projects in line before he goes on paternity leave, and the cats are acting strange, they know something's up.

It's all coming together!


Anonymous said...

Mazal tov to you all,, Shana Tova,, umituka...hope its an easy birth for you,, let us know when wiggly is born,, i am waiting on the news,, hugs to you all,, Michelle

Anonymous said...

Stocking up on food?! Sounds like you are preparing for the apocalypse... Cannot wait for the 'blessed event'!

Anonymous said...

LOL Stocking up on food means that I go shopping and become the resident cook for a little while! I have only a small repertoire of recipes but while I'm here there are actually dinners with meat, veggies and a starch....all at the same meal! Apparently a novelty and a treat around here! ;-) Not to mention, Michal always requests my jello so that's a staple. LOL They seem to like it and I'm more than happy to do it. :-D

It's so wonderful being here with them. We're thinking baby by the end of the weekend...but who knows!