Friday, February 22, 2008

Winter snowstorm!

It is officially a winter storm alert here in Cincinnati. Freezing temperatures, 4 inches of snow sticking to the ground, rain and slush and hail oh my. Jonathan picked me up from school yesterday and it took us 40 minutes to get home (it usually takes 10). My student pulpit was cancelled this weekend, so all of a sudden I'm free. And no one else I know is going either. Who knew there was such a thing as a "snow weekend"?

When Jonathan and I pulled up to our house, we couldn't make it up our snow-filled driveway. We had just decided to park in front of the house when a neighbor came over and offered to give us a push. With his help we made it, and we got to know a new neighbor, too. Osher tried to run out the back door when we came in, but he only made it about six steps (cute little cat tracks in the snow) before he stopped, looked at us, meowed, and came back in.

Monday was an absolutely wonderful day. I had the day off even though Jonathan had to work, and we had dinner with Paul and Lisa. We hadn't seen each other since 2002 but it was like no time had passed. We all wanted to stay longer talking, but between work and school in the morning for us, and jet lag for them, the evening ended at about 10pm. Paul and I of course schmoozed it up, and we were gratified to see how well Lisa and Jonathan were getting along. At one point Lisa was telling the story of how Paul said to me, "I once told a past girlfriend she'd make a better rabbi than a rebbitzin, and now she's in rabbinical school!" Jonathan turned to Lisa and said, "Well, I don't speak Hebrew. But I DO like to host. And I make good cookies!" And Lisa said, "So do I!" And we all cracked up.

Wednesday I ventured out on my own, driving Jonathan to work in the morning and taking TWO AND A HALF HOURS to get back because of the snow. I could have gone from my hometown to Mexico in the time it took me to get to HUC. I missed my first class completely (my prof was not happy since there had been a quiz). But it was necessary, as I had to stop by the local City Hall to fill in our water application, figure out local taxes, go to the bank and grocery shopping and other things like that. Then I picked him up at the end of the day, and mercifully that was just the normal freeway commute.

Today, since I have it off unexpectedly, my goal is to take pictures of the house. So you all know, actually cleaning the house is not a part of this plan. So they will be messy pictures, but pictures nonetheless. :)

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