Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Life summary in five points

1) I found my calendar!!! Hooray! It was in a box.

2) Bookshelves are all up. Unpacking to commence this weekend.

3) Jonathan's work is in high gear. Ah, to have a husband with free time...

4) We had to get a new humidifier for downstairs. The cats were starting to smell burnt. This is not a good thing.

5) Skyline chili is surprisingly good. We're now big fans. Does this mean we've acculturated?

The end.


Janet said...

No, it just sounds like you're creating a comfortable place for yourselves. A place to call home for awhile.
Missing you and sending lots of love,

Anonymous said...

Ug - I never like Skyline chili - although I did really like their Greek salad!
congrats on being box-free