Sunday, February 17, 2008

An actual long-ish update

We literally just have one box left to unpack! And my office is complete. The only thing now is to hang picture frames, and I think we'll do that starting on Wednesday (dinner plans Monday and Jonathan gets home late on Tuesdays). So far it's been a busy day filled with chores: Jonathan fixed one of the doors that wasn't closing properly, I swept and he vacuumed, he organized the living room TV area, I brushed the cats and clipped their claws, we went to the old apartment to clean it up, went grocery shopping, and more.

Friday kind of sucked. I felt sick and Jonathan had his release, a big computer install thing he was in charge of. After going to work all day he came home and took a nap, then led the call from 11pm-4am. I tried to stay up with him but fell asleep at 2.

We had postponed Valentine's Day til Saturday and it was beautiful. Mush, romance, FABULOUS food at Dewey's (I know it's not traditional gourmet, but OH it was perfect), and then a movie on our new screen. We're such homebodies, I loved it.

The cats are sufficiently intrigued with life. Today was so nice I opened all the windows. And it was quite windy, so they've been glued to the window frames poking their noses out. At least they didn't miss us much. :)

About dinner tomorrow, I'm quite looking forward to it! My friend Paul was ordained from HUC a few years ago and now serves a pulpit in Australia. We haven't seen each other in six years, since I graduated from college. He's never met Jonathan and I've never met his fiance either, so the four of us are going to go out for Thai and have a good long catch-up session.

Holly is coming in two weeks, hooray! And we've planned a house-warming party on March 1st, so she can meet everyone and be part of the new house festivities. I can also see Gregory for the first time! And Jonathan and I can see how the cats react to a baby in residence.

What else? Um, I finished a very good book for school, Memoirs of Gluckl of Hameln. I'd read excerpts before but never the whole thing. It's the diary of a Jewish woman in the late 1600s in North Germany. Her husband dies when eight of her twelve children are still living at home, and she takes over their money-lending and merchant business. It's fascinating to see how Judaism was incorporated into this woman's life, and things like the plague and wars are mentioned as a backdrop to events like her daughter's wedding and traveling for her work. It makes me want to learn more about the time period. I give my history professor props for assigning it, there are much more boring options out there he could have given us instead.

I've also started on The Golden Compass, sent to me by Becca. I saw the movie and of course now need to read the original. Does anyone else have any recommendations? I've been sadly bereft of fun books lately, moving and school has eaten up all my free time. I think I'd like to read Foreskin's Lament. I read this book review months ago, and it was just chosen as the HUC book club's latest. Has anyone here read it?

Anyway, off to dinner.


Anonymous said...

What? Unpacked already, and guests on the way? That's the fastest "settling-into-our-new-house" I've ever seen!!! Even the movie theater up and running. Wish I were there......
Am enjoying a new series of "Miss Julia" books by Ann B. Ross which richly deliver the dialect and deportment of North Carolina's city mountain folk. Fast reading; swallow in one gulp.
Enjoy your new freedoms in your new private home!!!!!

yer Savta

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new abode! Post some pictures of the nearly-finished product/project!! =)

Anonymous said...

I love Gluckl! I remember reading her memoir in high school (I think) The thing that stood out in my mind is that she and her daughter were both pregnant and gave birth at pretty much the same time IN THE SAME BED! I was blown away at that image.

I just read the latest installment of the Number 1 ladies detective agency. (the good husband of Zebra drive) I think its such a wonderful series.

I recently finished the second Rashi's daughters too. Can't wait for the third.


Chana P said...

Octavian Nothing is a reallly good book.
Kinda odd at some parts.
But an amazing book all the same!

Michal said...

Thanks for all the book recs, guys! I'll definitely check them out.